Commander One is a free dual-panel file manager for Mac OS X written entirely in Swift, that grant you absolute control over your files and folders, It’s quick and incredible yet basic and simple to utilize – which spare you a great many hour...
CloudMounter is a reliable, all-in-one cloud manager designed to unite all cloud storage resources and web servers under one platform, and allows mounting them to your Mac or Windows PC as local disks. It enables connecting to Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Dropbox, FTP, SFT...
Elmedia Player is a powerful video player for Mac OS X that can play various audio and video formats – including FLV, SWF, WMV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, DAT, FLAC, M4V, MPG, MKV and much more. No need for additional codecs, plugins – this app has everything you need for your files playback...
SyncMate Expert is an all-in-one synchronization solution for Mac OS X, which keeps your data in sync between Mac and other multiple devices such as Android devices, iOS devices, other Mac’s, MTP, Windows services (Outloo...
Folx is a free download manager and torrent client for Mac OS X. Folx is a powerful yet intuitive and simple app that offers flexible customization settings, organizing and managing downloads and mor...