Bandizip is a lightweight, ultra-fast, free, all-in-one Zip Archiver for home and office. It supports the most popular compression formats, such as Zip, RAR, Tar, ISO, and 7z. It features an easy-to-use interfac...
7-Zip is an open source file archiver with the high compression ratio for ZIP and GZIP formats, It’s a free alternative to the popular shareware archivers WinRAR and WinZip. It uses its own 7z archive forma...
NXPowerLite Desktop is a simple and effective file compressing tool for Windows, Mac OS X, and File Servers, that compresses large files and files that don’t zip well, such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), PDF and JPEG files, in a highly simple yet efficient manne...
FileOptimizer is an advanced, all-in-one file optimizer/compression tool featuring a lossless (no quality loss) file size reduction. It supports more than 400 file types, and has more than 90 third-party file compression plugins built-in, allowing you to get the best possible result...
PeaZip is a free file archiver and encryption utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects. It’s a full-featured, user-friendly alternative to WinRAR, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager application...
WinZip is a popular file compression and file management utility with over 20 years experience as one of the leaders in the file compression industry. WinZip allows you to easily open, create, share and encrypt zip files (...
WinRAR is a powerful archive manager for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that has over 500 million users worldwide. It’s a compression tool that makes your files smaller, which is great for saving disk space, well-organized data storage and transmission costs (for exampl...
ImageOptim is a front-end (GUI) for lossless image optimization tools: PNGOUT, AdvPNG, Pngcrush, OptiPNG, JpegOptim, MozJPEG, jpegtran, and Gifsicle. Images are made smaller (in terms of disk size) without losing qualit...
WinZip for Mac is an archiving and file sharing application designed specifically for Mac users that let you zip and unzip files instantly using simple, drag-and-drop tools. With support for Zip, Zipx, RAR, LHA, 7Z, JAR, and WAR format...