Avira Internet Security Suite is a complete and comprehensive security platform that makes Internet protection simple. With its cutting-edge antivirus technology, it protects you from all online threats (viruses, Trojans, ransomware, email scams and malware et...
Avira Free Antivirus is a light yet powerful antivirus solution for home users that provides comprehensive protection against all types of online threats (including worms, viruses, Trojans, and spyware), secures your dat...
Avira Antivirus Pro is a comprehensive antivirus software for Windows and Mac OS X, that secures your data, protects your privacy, and keeps your PC malware-free. It’s the quick and easy way to protect yourself from online threats – without all the hassle...
Avira Free Security Suite is the first free security suite providing basic protection for your PC. It not only blocks malware but also anonymizes your browsing (VPN), hinders consumer surveillance (browser extension), and wipes your online traces (tune-up tools...